Thursday, January 16, 2014

Rob's Mom: Part 11: Another Funny Story: Mom's Trash / and Sayings

Since I've been blogging about funny things to do with my mom, I wanted to add one more short, funny story from early December of this year.
Taking out the trash?
  Anyone that knew my mom knew that she always liked to dress up. In fact, even at 85 she always liked to wear heels no matter where she went. On occasion she'd wear flats or sneakers, but most of the time, she wore heels. 
   One night in mid-December when Tom and I called mom, she told me that she slipped on the ice when she went to take the trash out. We always called her together and had her on speaker phone, so we could both listen and talk with her. I asked if she hurt herself and she said "no, just my butt."
  That's when Tom said "I told you not to put trash out wearing heels when it snows!"  Of course, mom laughed (but didn't deny it) and said what she always loved saying when we teased her: She said "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" and we all laughed afterward.

OTHER SAYINGS - Mom said many other things that I think are important and fun to remember. "everybody's talkin' at me, I don't hear a word they're saying," - from the old Glen Campbell song "Everybody's Talkin' At Me." When I was a kid, she loved to sing, and when I became a disk jockey on the radio, I made tapes (yes, tapes) for her of a lot of songs she enjoyed. One, "Everywhere" by Fleetwood Mac, would always put her in a great mood, and I put that on the video dedication I made to her for her services.
She always said "send me a ticket (gift card for Dunkin' Donuts or Panera Bread)," and wise-a-guy (usually to Tom). She loved to sing the phrase
   Whenever I would call Mom, and whether I stayed on the phone for 5 minutes or 60 minutes, and said I had to go, she'd always respond "You always rush me off the phone." I used to think, how much more is there to talk about?!
  - Of course as mom got older, she would talk about the 1940s, 50s,60,70s,80,90s,00s and I'd never know what decade she was referring to, so it was somewhat of a challenge to figure out what was current day news. 
    A FAVORITE MEMORY  - One of my favorite memories happened every week-  Tom and I would call mom and per her on speaker phone, and Tom and Mom would always poke fun at each other and joke. Sometimes as we were talking with mom and getting close to home, we'd tell her that and she'd say "Hang up!" and then Tom would say "Hang Up!" - then mom would start talking again, and Tom would say "Hang Up!" it was really funny. Eventually we'd hang up when she was laughing.
 We always left her laughing, and mom loved to laugh.