When does the hatred and intolerance end?
A Republican Congressman asked people to NOT support gay Republican candidates - That's not the way to include everyone and change the hateful face of the GOP. UGH. I am so tired of this. Can't this outdated political party just accept everyone? What the hell is so hard about considering everyone equal? -
From Politico (a non-partisan political reporting source) :
Congressman reportedly asked colleagues not to support gay candidates
Randy Forbes, R-Va., repeatedly urged the National Republican
Congressional Committee and fellow Republicans not to offer financial
backing to some of the party's gay congressional candidates, according
to sources familiar with the matter. Two gay Republicans -- Richard
Tisei and Carl DeMaio -- are taking on Democratic incumbents in next
year's House races. House Speaker John Boehner distanced himself from
the report on Thursday, telling reporters he supports the Republican
Party's efforts to support LGBT candidates for Congress. Politico (Washington, D.C.)