Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dolly and her "Buddy" - Vet Visits in Different States

Dolly after vet checks infected eye
Our Weimaraner Dolly went to the vet on Monday because she somehow contracted an eye infection. I (Rob) noticed it on Sunday when I was brushing her teeth in the morning. Her left eye was oozing out some greenish fluid.
DOLLY TO THE VET - So, the next day I took her to the vet at lunchtime, and they put dye in her eye to see if there was a cut on the cornea. Fortunately, there was not. I received medication to administer in her eye three times a day. Dolly is an incredibly patient Weimaraner and very gentle, so she let the vet look into her eyes several times during the exam and didn't flinch. She even let the vet administer the eye medication.  Hopefully, it will clear up in a couple of days.
  I have to put the medication in her eye three times a day, and she sits patiently and doesn't move as I administer it, then close her eyelid and rub it in gently. She's such a patient girl.

MEANWHILE... A STATE AWAY... Dolly's friend and fellow
Buddy is out for the count!
Weimaraner, Buddy, had to go to the vet on Monday as well! Buddy had to be sedated to have a lump aspirated and his ears cleaned. He's a little less patient with vets than Dolly. Anyway, our friends Cindy and Cathy sent us these pictures of Buddy after he was picked up at the vet. We love the one with his tongue hanging out!