Sunday, November 24, 2013

Does this make sense to you? Trying to Over-ride this Voted in Maryland Law?

I have to ask if a new "political platform" just agreed on makes sense after the following law was passed in this state.

FACT: In 2012, a majority of voters in the State of Maryland voted in a law that says "Any politician convicted of a crime must resign from office." 

According to the Baltimore Sun, on Nov. 24, 2013 in an article by Reporter Erin Cox, "Leaders in the Maryland Republican Party are promoting the recent win in the Annapolis mayoral race (the guy won by less than 100 votes). Regardless. here's what DOESN'T MAKE SENSE TO US:

"On Saturday, convention delegates voted against a resolution that would have called on public officials to resign if convicted of crimes and incarcerated while in office. State Del. Don Dwyer Jr., an Anne Arundel Republican, was sentenced last month to 60 days in jail to be served on weekends. The jail term is for two incidents — operating a boat under the influence in a crash in August 2012 and driving a car while impaired in August of this year."

NOW, I ASK YOU- if the majority of the state of Maryland voted to DEMAND politicians who committed crimes step down from the office, then WHY would any political party try to rescind that? (unless a lot of them are committing crimes???)
SOURCE: SOURCE: Baltimore Sun Article