Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cancun Birthday Trip #7: Spa Day and a Grandmother's Message

Because I (Rob) can get messages from people who passed and because I'm not well-developed in my abilities (I call myself a "Medium Rare"), they come to me when the come to me. Well, one spirit did come to me when I was at the resort!
  SPA DAY - Because it was Tom's birthday celebration, one of the things he wanted to do was get a massage and a facial treatment (we're getting old, okay? - we need a nip, tuck, and stretch). Because it was a gay friendly resort, they took us in as a couple and we got massages and facials in the same room. The two middle-aged Mexican women who worked on us were very gentle and it was a relaxing experience. My face actually appeared to have less laugh lines on it.
The blue and black blanket
  A GRANDMOTHER'S MESSAGE - During the massage, my head was clear and I was very relaxed. That's when the grandmother came through for the woman (whom I'll call Maria) who was giving me the massage. She showed me a blue and black blanket and said "she was there" She showed me a young girl chasing a dark colored bird in a grassy area. She told me to tell her grand-daughter that she is around her and helping her take care of things.
   After the massage I explained about my abilities, and although they spoke no English and I spoke just a little Spanish, they knew what a Medium is. One of the other employees, a cute young guy named Milton provided translation. Then it all came together. Tom helped interpret the signs and it made sense.
Young girl and a bird

CONFIRMATION!  -   Maria said that she was very worried about her 90 year old mother's health and was just with her in the morning. She said that she put a black and blue colored blanket on her mother to keep her comfortable.That meant that Maria's grandmother's spirit was there when she covered her mother with the blanket. Maria's grandmother thanked her for taking care of her daughter (Maria's mother).
    Dark colored birds are a symbol for someone who has passed or is about to pass. I saw a dark bird hit the window of our house the week before Tom's grandmother passed. The dark bird and the young girl were symbolic of Maria's young niece who recently passed. This was Maria's grandmother's way of saying that Maria's niece is safe and with Maria's grandmother on the other side.
COMFORT AND THANKS - Maria was so grateful for these messages. Milton, who was translating, said that Maria had been very upset by her mother's failing health and was grateful to know that her grandmother's spirit was with her mother, and also happy to hear that her niece is safe on the other side with her grandmother. In fact, while we were getting ready to leave the spa, Maria brought us two glasses of champagne!