"Man of Steel" star Henry Cavill has appeared on the premiere episode of the 44th season of "Sesame Street", joining Elmo to talk about "Respect." It's a good reminder no matter WHAT AGE you are! ": )
In the premiere episode entitled "Don't Get Pushy," Cavill
appears in a "Word on the Street" segment alongside Elmo, the Three
Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf. He joins the crew to help teach kids
the meaning of the word "respect." Despite his celebrity status, the "Man of Steel" hasn't let the fame go
to his head. The puppeteers reportedly had the 30-year-old cracking up
on set while shooting his segment. Cavill also proved that just like his
on-screen alter-ego, he has a heart of gold. He reportedly took a
moment to praise the show's cast and crew by saying: "Can I just say,
you guys are incredible... it's really remarkable to watch you guys
work. I have enormous respect for what you guys do."