Sunday, October 27, 2013

Some Spooky Halloween Words for You!

Happy Halloween! Ghosts  just don't come around on Halloween- they're always around in whatever place they choose to dwell. Spirits (who crossed over), however, come back whenever they have a message. 
 - So, if you're telling any ghost stories and want to impress your friends with words they may not have heard before, here are a couple of words you can use - courtesy of 
Haunted Pumpkin patch

nyctophobia \nik-tuh-FOH-bee-uh\, noun:
An abnormal fear of night or darkness.
sepulchral \suh-PUHL-kruhl\, adjective:
1. Proper to or suggestive of a tomb; funereal or dismal.
2. Of or pertaining to burial.
3. Of, pertaining to, or serving as a tomb.
4. Hollow and deep: sepulchral tones.
thanatopsis \than-uh-TOP-sis\, noun:
1. A view or contemplation of death.
2. A poem (1817) by William Cullen Bryant.