Friday, October 4, 2013

Baltimore Book Festival#2- Great Support and People I Met

Rob, Diane and Isabella
The Baltimore Book Festival happened on Sunday, Sept. 29th in downtown Baltimore. It went on for three days, and Isabella and I were under the "Author's Tent" only on Sunday. We managed to get the same location for set-up and it was a perfect weather day. 
Isabella answers questions about her books
   A personal THANKS to our friends: Craig B., Cynthia O. and Diane G. for coming out to support me (and Isabella). That meant so very much to me. 
  Diane actually stayed with us the entire day and watched our tables if one of us had to take a break, talked to people, and promoted our books. She was amazing.

Isabella talks about her new series "Legion"
Rob meets a couple who have had experiences of their own

PEOPLE I MET - Most of the people I met either had experience with Earth-bound ghosts, or spirits of loved ones on the other side. Many had stories they wanted to share and get confirmations about and I was happy to oblige. 
Rob signs an article he appeared in for an attendee
 One man told me that he lived in a haunted home, and his family coped with the ghost until they moved out. Apparently, the ghost is still there.