Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Backyard Gardening Part 2

Franklin supervising outside work
We've had a very dry August and September here in the mid-Atlantic, so keeping things alive in the backyard (we gave up on the front grass) has been a challenge.
  Tom waters dutifully every day and keeps up on what plants are stressing and which ones are dying or have died and have to be replaced. We lost an Arbovitae that we've had for about 7 years and had to replace it, and despite watering that almost daily, it died in the same spot (while others are okay).
   TALL GRASSES - We've noticed that despite drought conditions, tall grasses love to grow, so we've started planting a lot of them.
Dolly also supervising outside

Back flower bed in the backyard

LESS THAN NORMAL RAINFALL - According to the National Weather Service climate summary for Baltimore, Md. from Jan. 1 to Oct. 5, the average annual rainfall total by this time 32.33 inches and we've had  27.22 inches. That's 5.11 inches under the normal.
A row of potted mums on the patio

Our new little fountain with a boy and his dog