Tuesday, September 10, 2013

UK Trip Blog #58: A Brief Video Tour of Downtown Eaton, England

A pretty alleyway in downtown Eaton
Continuing our walk through Eaton, England, we enjoyed walking down the picturesque main street. 

WALK ALONG HIGH STREET - High street is one of the main thoroughfares through the tiny borough of Eaton. It was filled with small shops and beautiful alleyways decorated with hanging plants. Just over the bridge is the "George Inn,"  which served gourmet meals in a building about 300 years old. We didn't go inside, however, because we weren't there around a meal time. We did, however, go into a pet shop where we met the owner's dog - and that made us miss our "kids" even more.

Our final video from our U.K. trip was a short tour of downtown Eaton from High Street, the main street that led over the Bristol and Bath Pathway crossing the Thames River, and leading up to Windsor Castle.