Saturday, August 3, 2013

GREAT BOOK about New Superheroes

My friend Maggie was one of the authors in a new anthology about new superheroes so I bought the book and enjoyed it. I just finished reading it and Highly recommend it.
 I loved "Stupdenous Sparkle," "The Kid," "All-Star," Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow," and "Need to Know."   My Favorites included "Need to Know" with a superman-like teenager and "Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow.  Maybe I'm biased, but I loved and could see myself as the character in my friend Maggie's great story.

A Hero By Any Other Name  "A Marvelous New World.” This story by Maggie Allen takes place in the aftermath of Janine Spendlove’s story, “He was a Marvelous Man.” Her story made me wonder how the appearance of a real, live superhero would affect the comic book geek community, and I also liked the idea of those geeks getting a chance to become a part of superhero mythology themselves.
 Silence in the Library Publishing’s special anthology called “A Hero By Any Other Name” – is all short stories about superhero sidekicks. (It’s a companion to another Origins anthology with superhero stories.)Authors who have stories in A Hero By Any Other Name include: Aaron Allston, Michael Stackpole, Maxwell Alexander Drake, Jean Rabe, Janine Spendlove, Bryan Young, more, like me! (Pen name, Maggie Allen.)

IF YOU LOVE SUPERHEROES, You need to get this book!