Thursday, August 15, 2013

A New Backyard Project

Starting the project with Tyler's help.
Tom is always doing something in the backyard, and I haven't blogged about many of the projects this year, but he's kept busy. While he's in the backyard, I've been in the house on the computer - I'm currently writing 2 of my own books, and editing 2 other books for friends. 

building the base
SUNDIAL! - Tom found this really cool sundial on-line and we both loved it- so he bought it. The challenge was building a pedestal to put it on in the backyard. So, after looking at rocks, and pottery and other things, we went to Lowes. Once there we found thick bricks that could be stacked to build a strong base. So, we got enough big bricks and Tom leveled out a plot of ground in the backyard, put down a foundation, and built the base.  The sundial looks cool!!
The really cool sundial

DOGGY HELP - Of course, Dolly, Franklin and Tyler were all very curious - so they walked around, inspected and offered constructive criticism. :) 
Franklin and Dolly

