Wednesday, July 3, 2013

UK TRIP #6: Edinburgh Castle, Foog's Gate (and 2 short 60 second video tours)

On day two in Edinburgh, Scotland we started the day with a tour through Edinburgh Castle. The castle is located high atop the volcanic Castle Rock overlooking the city, and can be seen anywhere in Edinburgh.
   As we approached the castle, I (Rob) took a short video. There was apparently a military "tattoo" or performance in front of the castle, so the entry court was filled with spectator stands. 

According to Wikipedia, the first habitation of the site was in the ninth century B.C. The castle existed since at least the 12th century when David the first reigned.   The castle continued to be a royal residence until the Union of the Crowns in 1603.  By the 17th century its principal role was as a military base with a large garrison. Its importance as a historic monument was recognized from the 19th century.
    Edinburgh Castle was involved in many historical conflicts, from the Wars of Scottish Independence in the 14th century, up to the Jacobite Rising of 1745, and has been besieged, both successfully and unsuccessfully, on several occasions.

Tom and Rob doing the audio tour

View of Edinburgh and North Sea from the Castle

 WHAT IS "FOOG'S GATE"? -  We liked the name of this gate, and found out that it was the principle gate to the Upper Ward of the castle. The origin of the name and date of its construction are unknown, however. It sounds like "Foog" could've been the name given to a big, goofy guy, in my opinion!

The perimeter wall on either side was built during King Charles II reign (1649-85) to bolster the castle's defenses.

Because it takes you into the upper part of the castle, we took a short video there.