Wednesday, July 24, 2013

UK Trip #24: Tracking the History of Guy Fawkes

Guy Fawkes
If you don't know who Guy Fawkes is, you should watch the film "V is for Vendetta." The futuristic story based on a graphic novel is about a Brit's stand against a corrupt government, which is similar to Guy Fawkes' infamous stand in history. Guy Fawkes was born in York, England, and we came across several places that were attributed to his life.


Sign at the birthplace
FIRST, WHO IS GUY FAWKES? -  Guy Fawkes (April 13, 1570 – January 31, 1606), was born in York. He was also known as Guido Fawkes (while fighting for the Spanish in the Low Countries), was a member of a group of provincial English Catholics who planned the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605. Fawkes  traveled to Spain to seek support for a Catholic rebellion in England but was unsuccessful. He later met Thomas Wintour, with whom he returned to England. Wintour introduced Fawkes to Robert Catesby, who planned to assassinate King James I and restore a Catholic monarch to the throne. The plotters secured the lease to an undercroft beneath the House of Lords, and Fawkes was placed in charge of the gunpowder they stockpiled there. 
Rob outside of Guy Fawkes' Birthplace
FAWKES' PLOT FOILED - The police received an anonymous letter and searched Westminster Palace during the early hours of November 5, only to find Fawkes guarding the explosives. Over the next few days, he was questioned and tortured, and confessed. He was hanged on Jan. 31, 1606.

GUY FAWKES DAY IN ENGLAND - Is celebrated every November 5, when his effigy is traditionally burned on a bonfire, commonly accompanied by a fireworks display.
Guy Fawkes Inn

GUY FAWKES' BIRTHPLACE GETS A NEW NAME -  His birthplace is now actually called the Guy Fawkes Inn.

  It's located at 25 High Petergate, York YO1 7HP, United Kingdom.
 The Inn claims that in addition to four-star guest rooms,  it serves real ales, traditional pub meals, gas-lamps and timber floors all combine with this heritage to create one of the most characterful pubs in Britain.
 - What I find interesting is that the Inn has the same mask for Guy Fawkes that the character "V" in the film "V is for Vendetta" used. V modeled his behavior after Guy Fawkes to bring down a corrupt government.  

GUY FAWKES BAPTISMAL CHURCH - Across the street from the Guy Fawkes Inn is the place where he was baptized: the  St Michael le Belfrey. He was baptized there on April 16, 1570, and the church had flyers and a big sign inside that promoted him. 
  The docent, David, a retired gentleman met us at the door. He told us how the church is a LOT more contemporary that the (stuffy) York Minster church (in other words, they accept everyone)
Inside St Michael le Belfrey Church

BUILT OVER ROMAN FORTRESS - Like the York Minster that we toured earlier (in a previous blog), this church was also built over the remains of a Roman settlement from 71 A.D. In fact, an archaeologist noted that underneath the central aisle floor is apparently an empty or air-filled chamber, that likely contains some ancient artifacts. However, because of a lack of funding, they can't excavate whatever lies hidden below.
Sign about Guy Fawkes history and baptism

BAPTISMAL RECORD FOUND - What's also interesting about this welcoming church is that they found and copied Guy Fawkes' baptismal record and made it into a post card for visitors to take with them. How cool.
VIDEO: We made a short video outside of the church where Guy Fawkes was baptized.

Being a comic book collector and reader, a comic book by the V for Vendetta is a 2005 British action thriller film, based on the 1982 comic book of the same name by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. Set in London in a near-future dystopian society, Hugo Weaving portrays V — a bold, charismatic freedom fighter, attempting to ignite a revolution against the brutal fascist regime led by Adam Sutler that has subjugated his country. Natalie Portman plays Evey, a working class girl caught up in V's mission, and Stephen Rea portrays the detective leading a desperate quest to stop V. The film was originally scheduled for release by Warner Bros. on Friday, 4 November 2005 (a day before the 400th Guy Fawkes Night), but was delayed.
NEXT: Our Favorite British Sayings, Train Karma

Here's the movie trailer for the 2005 film "V is for Vendetta.":