Wednesday, July 10, 2013

UK Trip #13 - Busking Bagpipers, Sandwiches and the Haunted Storefront

Busking bagpiper
Edinburgh, Scotland is an ancient town, and has a horrible history of murders, disease, and many deaths. Of course, there were also living bagpipers.
  Anyway, it's no surprise then, when we were walking that there were bound to be some people that died, and who were still lingering. One was in a store.

BAGPIPERS -  As we walked through Edinbugh, there were a couple of "Buskers" or street performers that were dressed in full scottish garb, kilt and all, playing the bagpipes. Here's a picture of one of them.

Entryway where the ghost was strongest
This Boots Pharmacy has a resident ghost
SANDWICHES - One thing we learned was a great way to save money on our trip (considering one U.S. dollar was worth about 60 pence or 60 percent of a British pound- so a dollar didn't go far), was to get pre-made sandwiches.  We learned quickly that drugstores and variety stores had really good pre-made sandwiches!   The sandwiches were nicely packaged, always fresh and between 1 pound 50 pence and 2 pounds 50 pence. Compared to getting one at a restaurant where sandwiches cost 5 pounds. That's about $8.00 dollars, U.S.  One of our favorite sandwiches were "chicken and bacon," and "chicken and sweet corn." They were really good!  We often got sandwiches like that and sat outside (usually it was cloudy and cool (only in the upper 50s, lower 60s Fahrenheit).

THE HAUNTED STOREFRONT - Because I (Rob) was still getting over the Shingles, my abilities to sense ghosts weren't working too well. It happens whenever you're sick or distracted. However, Tom sensed a ghost in the front doorway of the Boots pharmacy where we got our sandwiches. He smelled the "rotting corpse" smell that is associated with a ghost. I did get a little headache, too. ` We don't know if it's a male or female ghost, why they stayed behind or even what century they're from, but they "live" in the pharmacy.