Sunday, July 28, 2013

See NASA's Hurricane Google Hangout (Rob hosts!)

I (Rob) am managing the outreach (public information) about NASA's new hurricane mission called "HS3" which stands for the Hurricane Severe Storms Sentinel mission. The HS3 mission is flying unmanned aircraft over the Atlantic Ocean this summer in late August through mid-September to find out answers to why some tropical cyclones strengthen rapidly, and how the dry, dirty Saharan air the blows from northern Africa's desert, affects the storms. The HS3 flew last year, and will fly each year through 2015. For more info, go to:
  On Tuesday, July 23, I helped organize and got to host a "Google Hangout"   that featured from NASA a research meteorologist, pilot, and program manager, and our friend and colleague Brian McNoldy a research meteorologist at the Univ. of Miami (and blogger for Washington Post Capitol Weather Gang).
   It's on YouTube and runs an hour. This was the first time I've done one of these and it took a little getting used to how Google technology worked, but it worked out. If you're interested, here's the entire video.