Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Sign from Sprite: A Butterfly!

Recently, we watched the TV show "Long Island Medium" and a woman said that 2 butterflies followed her one week. The woman had lost both her husband and her son. Theresa Caputo (the Long Island Medium) said they were using the butterflies to give the woman a message. Many others experienced the same thing. They've seen butterflies after someone passed, or perhaps on the anniversary of their passing, or the late person's birthday.  This month, we experienced it first hand.
        On July 8, 2013 at 5:50 p.m. we had to say goodbye to our elder dachshund, Sprite. He was 16 1/2 years old and he was in failing health. For the year before I had to carry him up and downstairs, and the last several months I usually had to pick him up and carry him outside to do his business. Late in the mornings he would find the strength in his legs, but they were very weak. He had a bad heart murmur, kidney failure for over a year, suffered from a bad nosebleed the night before and wound up in the emergency room, and he had pretty much stopped eating for the week before. We knew it was time, although it tore at our hearts.
Sprite's butterfly
   The day after he passed and the second day after he passed, he came to three mediums we know, who are friends of ours, but they don't know each other. In fact, a couple of them didn't even know Sprite, but they received similar messages that confirmed each other. They also each had special messages that Sprite gave to help prove it was him. I'll share those in a later post.
   This post focuses on the use of butterflies to convey that a spirit is trying to get us a message that they're around and they're fine. 
   When Tom and I were walking our dogs three days after Sprite passed we got a sign from him. Toward the end of the walk (of our other two dachshunds and our weimaraner) a yellow and black butterfly flew right near all three dogs.
Sprite 12-23-96 to 7-8-13

   First, it's unusual for a butterfly to fly near dogs. Secondly, the dogs didn't go after it. They just watched it. It was as if they heard Sprite telling them "I'm here." Our three dogs and we just watched that butterfly and I took several pictures of it. The butterfly just stayed there on the grass. It was a message from Sprite that he is fine and regained 100% health as a spirit. We were all happy to see this wonderful sign from Sprite.
   Because my grief was blocking messages from Sprite he found another way to get through to me. If you recently lost someone or lost them awhile ago and are still grieving, grief will block out their signs. However, some spirits are very strong and persistent, like Sprite, and will give visible signs they're okay. 

   Sometimes spirits will use butterflies, birds, feathers, flowers, pennies or other signs to convey that they're around us and thinking of us.

NEXT BLOG: UK Trip #22: Meeting Old Friends / Barker Tower