Friday, June 7, 2013

Stupidity in the News: NRA membership purchased for boy

8 year old Josh Welch and his pop-tart "gun"
This article appeared in the Baltimore Sun on May 30, 2013. A little boy chewed his pop tart into the shape of a gun - and the school (stupidly, in my opinion) made a big stink about it. The REALLY stupid thing is that 2 Republican officials (one was Nicholaus R. Kipke) in Anne Arundel County, Md. PAID for a lifetime membership to the National Rifle Association (NRA) for the little boy!!  
 - What kind of a message does that send? That it's perfectly okay for children to support guns? 8 year olds don't understand what guns can do (in the wrong hands) and what death means.
-   I totally agree with what Anne Arundel County Councilman Jamie Benoit (a Democrat) said: "To put this [8 year old boy] up there and exploit him for the benefit of the far-right gun agenda is outrageous."
  BTW- I'm fine with people owning guns, but feel that we DO need better, more comprehensive background checks.

ARTICLE: Md. Anne Arundel County Republicans criticized for giving lifetime membership to boy suspended in pastry incident

This #$*)% gave the 8yr old an NRA membership
May 30, 2013|By Erin Cox, The Baltimore Sun
   Criticism mounted Thursday over the gift of a National Rifle Association lifetime membership from Anne Arundel County Republicans to a boy who was suspended from school in March when he chewed a pastry into the shape of a pistol.
   "It's outrageous that elected officials in our state who don't have anywhere near all the facts of this situation would choose to exploit an 8-year-old child for political purposes in a stunt like this," Anne Arundel County schools spokesman Bob Mosier said Thursday.
  The night before, House of Delegates Minority GOP Leader Nicholaus R. Kipke presented Josh Welch with the $550 membership during a Republican fundraiser that derided Maryland's new gun law. Kipke's tongue-in-cheek presentation involved a Pop-Tart fashioned into a gun and firearm safety tips.
  After receiving the NRA membership, Josh said in an interview he didn't know what the organization was or what it meant. That comment prompted Anne Arundel County Councilman Jamie Benoit, a Democrat, to offer to buy Josh a lifetime membership to the American Civil Liberties Union.
  "No one should tolerate the attempt by Anne Arundel County's Republican leadership to indoctrinate 8-year-olds into an extreme way of thinking," Benoit said. "To put him up there and exploit him for the benefit of the far-right gun agenda is outrageous."