Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tom Clarifies what Senator Coburn Said About Aid to Oklahoma Tornado Victims

Whenever there is a natural disaster, that's when some politicians show their true colors. Just like the GOP after Hurricane Sandy - they refused to vote for federal assistance for the people of New Jersey because it typically votes for the democratic party, despite the state a republican governor. They claimed it was because of budget constrictions. NOW, the Senator in Oklahoma, Tom Coburn is asking for money for the Moore, Oklahoma tornado victims (and they should get it, just as the people in NJ SHOULD have had it and not wait 6 months for it).  
  Below is a clarification from Tom about an idea going around on the Internet about what Coburn said about the disaster relief. - Rob
WHAT'S GOING AROUND: "Coburn said "no" to help for Hurricane Sandy victims, and "yes" for the Moore, Oklahoma tornado victims and wants to take money from Hurricane Sandy aid to pay for it."

This idea isn't exactly correct. While I categorically can't stand this guy, what he actually said was that federal disaster relief for the victims of the Oklahoma tornadoes must come from cuts in the federal budget elsewhere - NOT specifically from relief extended to Hurricane Sandy victims.

What is kind of disturbing is this guy doesn't know how the government works. What he considers "pork" is how the federal government pays for programs - as attachments to bills working their way through Congress.

The fact that one of the Smithsonian buildings needed a new roof or that funding was needed for highway construction was attached to the Hurricane Sandy relief bill is just the way the government works. That's how things get done in Washington.

If he doesn't like it, then Sen. Coburn should be working to change the system, i.e. change the requirements for how Congress pays for stuff, not become a road block and jam up the works so that nothing gets accomplished.