Saturday, May 4, 2013

Today is Free Comic Book Day!!!! YAY!

Free Comic Book Day is a single day - the first Saturday in May each year - when participating comic book shops across North America and around the world offer free comic books!

(W/A) Various
Free Comic book day is always a lot of fun! It's a great way to introduce comics to young readers, too. Most of today's comics are written for teens and adults- but there are a lot of comics for children, from Scooby Doo to Batman. Parents should encourage their kids to read comics- my dad did, and I learned vocabulary words, enjoyed writing my own stories, developed my abilities to draw and wound up creating my own comics. Today, I've published two books and am working on my third. Free comics day is a great opportunity to help your child develop their writing and artistic skulls, and for YOU to enjoy some great stories with awesome iconic characters like Superman, Wonder Woman, Spiderman, X-men, Aquaman and more. Enjoy!  Rob

From the greatest superhero fare and new kid’s stories to out-of-this-world science fiction tales, it’s a great time to discover comic books with the Gold and Silver titles available for Free Comic Book Day 2013!

another one of the comics this year -free!
The Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) Committee is pleased to announce the complete list of Gold and Silver Sponsors and their comic books available for FCBD 2013, which will be held Saturday, May 4, 2013. Complete descriptions of all fifty-three FCBD titles can be found online now at and in the January issue of Diamond Comic Distributors’ PREVIEWS catalog, available on January 1st, 2013.
“There’s a character, creator and storyline for just about everyone,” said FCBD spokesperson, Leslie Bowser. “The publishers have a lot to offer comic book fans—and those new to comic books—with this year’s Free Comic Book Day titles.”