Wednesday, May 8, 2013

MaryAnn's Visit: Part 2b: Hampton Mansion -Hauntings?

Rob and Tom goofing it up outside
We enjoyed the Hampton Mansion National Historic Site with our friend Mary Ann both outside on the grounds and inside  - where we sensed some energy of people who lived there before.

MaryAnn joins the goofy boys!
According to an article on the Baltimore Examiner, the National Park Service staff of the Hampton Mansion discount all indications of any ghostly presence.  However, the Examiner reported that visitors to the site have claimed several paranormal experiences there. Visitors have claimed  to hear sounds of things breaking like glasses, china, or even a chandelier. However, nothing broken was ever found. Some people have said that the sound of the breaking chandelier has in predicted the death of a Ridgely family member.

One of the ghosts that supposedly haunt the Hampton Mansion is the ghost of Tom, a former butler who was born and died in the mansion around 1900. Tom's ghost has been seen by visitors many years after his death. Other visitors reported seeing a woman in a satin ball gown, combing her hair. There has also been reports of sounds of a harpsichord coming from her room. 

THE KITCHEN - Although we didn't take any pictures in the kitchen, Tom and I (Rob) and Mary Ann all sensed energy there. I felt that it was residual, meaning that it's like an emotional thumbprint left behind from stress, anxiety or happiness- all of which are usually found in anyone's kitchen!

Main stairway where Rob kept sensing a man

Looking into a 1st floor room from the stairs... a ghost is in there

Picture of a mirror- where Rob sensed a face watching

FIRST FLOOR - The stairway especially held my attention. I kept sensing that there was a man at the top of the stairs. If there really was a ghostly butler haunting the mansion, it was likely him. He stood at the top of the stairway and as I stood at the foot of the stairs (listening to the docent talk about the nearby dining room) I sensed the entity walked down the stairs and went into the main entryway, so I took pictures of three chairs in that hallway. The main hallway connects many of the rooms on the first floor, and was likely even used as a ballroom for dancing.
Hallway where Rob sensed the male figure was walking