Sunday, May 26, 2013

IN THE NEWS: Gay Texan cut off from partner of 34 years who has Alzheimer’s after sister-in-law obtained guardianship

It's time for an end to this kind of stupidity: greedy relatives swooping in to steal what isn't theirs. States refusing to recognize long-term relationships. I guess we'll learn within the next 30 days what the U.S. Supreme Court's position is on the matter. - Tom
   I'm outraged that the man's sister would commit such a heartless, heinous act and prevent his partner from visiting. I'm seething about the entire matter. -Rob

Gay Texan cut off from partner of 34 years who has Alzheimer’s after sister-in-law obtained guardianship

The article:
TORN APART | Lon Watts, right, and Jim Heath are shown together the last time they saw each other.
PITTSBURG, Texas — With his partner of 34 years in a nursing home, a court order preventing him from entering the facility and two weeks to get out of his house, Lon Watts sold his wedding ring to pay for gas to get to his mother’s place in Oklahoma.
Watts never expected to be in this position, because he always thought of himself as part of his partner Jim Heath’s family.
But after Heath was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, his sister stepped in and took guardianship from Watts, who is now unable to see or talk to Heath. After the story of Heath and Watts recently made national news, Watts has renewed his fight to bring Heath home and launched a legal fund, but the fight could take years.