Friday, May 3, 2013

ICK- Cicadas Coming Back to the Mid-Atlantic!

ICK, ICK, ICK!!!!!  I (Rob) hate bugs. I seem to be the only one of us that finds an occasional stink bug in the house and has to flush or toss it outside. Now, the disgusting, large and loud cicadas are coming back to the Mid-Atlantic this summer. Hey, maybe they'll eat the stink bugs!!

Annual cicada, Tibicen linnei (or just NASTY!)
Here's some info about these nasty things (courtesy of City of Bowie, Md):  Brood II Cicadas
The Washington, D.C. area will experience another “brood” of 17-year cicadas in May and June of this year. In the summer of 2004, we experienced a huge event with the emergence of “Brood X” cicadas. This upcoming “Brood II” will not be as overwhelming as the 2004 experience but they will still definitely make their presence known starting around mid-May, with millions of cicadas in the tree tops by Memorial Day. This insect will do some damage
to twigs and smaller branches on many area trees as they cut and/or gouge into the branches to lay their eggs for the next generation.

If you want to get grossed out BEFORE the get here, check out this  video by
David Attenborough and the BBC