Monday, April 15, 2013

It's Official: We're Adopting Tyler!

Dolly and Tyler cuddling
Well - We've made the big decision - We're officially adopting Tyler, our foster dog- the black and tan, mini dachshund!  We sent a letter to Melissa of Coast-to-Coast dachshund rescue on April 11, 2013 and confirmed it. We're very excited! . We love little Tyler and he has really become a part of our family. Tyler eats, sleeps and plays with Dolly. In fact, Tyler never leaves Dolly's side!
Dolly and Tyler- inseperable!
  Tyler has really brightened up Dolly's life as well as ours! We love his energy, his affection and his playful personality.
  Like all of our "kids" Tyler has a nickname. He loves to jump up and down a LOT, so we called him "bean" for "jumping bean." Of course, that also becomes "beaner," or "beanimus"- and we think he's just "Beantastic!" 
 We are really excited about officially making Tyler a part of our "Canine kids" family!  

playtime with Dolly and Tyler!