Thursday, April 4, 2013

In the News; Most Stupid Statement Today : "Straight people will claim to be gay to marry for benefits"

I read this article and had to do a double-take. Stupidity is like an epidemic. First, Michelle Bachmann, then Rick Santorum. Now, this Georgia politician. She thinks that guys will now "claim to be gay to marry a man to get benefits, even if they're straight." What a fool.
Attention Georgia- You elected this piece of work.

Here's what she said: 
Ga. GOP official warns straight people will marry for the benefits

  Georgia GOP Chairwoman Sue Everhart told The Marietta Daily Journal that she opposes marriage for same-sex couples because straight people may pretend to be gay in order to marry and receive certain benefits. "There is no way that this is about equality. To me, it's all about a free ride," Everhart said. The Marietta Daily Journal (Ga.)
This is the "prize" that made the statement

Everhart said while she respects all people, if same sex marriage is legalized across the country, there will be fraud.

“You may be as straight as an arrow, and you may have a friend that is as straight as an arrow,” Everhart said. “Say you had a great job with the government where you had this wonderful health plan. I mean, what would prohibit you from saying that you’re gay, and y’all get married and still live as separate, but you get all the benefits? I just see so much abuse in this it’s unreal. I believe a husband and a wife should be a man and a woman, the benefits should be for a man and a woman. There is no way that this is about equality. To me, it’s all about a free ride.”