Monday, March 18, 2013

Photo Blog: Dog Walk Day!

Franklin and Dolly enjoying the walk
On Sunday, March 10th, the weather warmed to the mid-60s here and the day was perfect for a walk. So, we took Dolly, Franklin and Tyler for a walk around an industrial park in the city (Sprite stayed home and wandered around the backyard because he can't walk).
  The industrial park has a huge man-made lake in the center of it. Near the southern end of the lake is an historic mansion that's being fixed up to be opened for public viewing at some point in the future.
  The industrial park is a peaceful place to take the dogs for a walk, and it made for a relaxing time. Because little Tyler the foster dog is heartworm positive, he can't walk long distances so Tom wound up carrying him.

Tom carrying Tyler

Franklin and Dolly looking around