Sunday, March 24, 2013

Home Project: Installing Bedroom Carpet!

Old carpeting
 This weekend with the arrival of springtime, the home improvement projects kicked in. About 3 years ago we had off-white carpeting installed in our bedroom, but the dogs always seemed to seek it out whenever they were sick, or dirty. So, on Friday night after grabbing two Dunkin' Donut egg sandwiches and coffee for dinner, we went to work.
After spending 2 hours taking up the tiles
 - We moved all of the furniture out into the living room, ripped up the carpeting and the padding and rolled it and taped it up.
- Then came taking out those tack filled carpet strips of wood along the walls. Ouch. 
Rolled and taped old carpeting
- Next we had to use a hammer and screwdriver to pop out the 1970s tiles that lay underneath the carpeting. They were put on with what looked like black tar, so they didn't all come up easily, and of course, they came out in pieces.
   Then it was bagging all of the debris and putting it outside, and sweeping up. We finished around 9:30pm, cleaned up, watched one hour of a TV show called "Stranded" where 3 non-believing (in ghosts) people get locked in a very haunted place. They were all scared stiff by the end of the show. .. and we wouldn't be stupid enough to do that!
Sprite's 3:15 am potty break
  We slept in the guest room with the dogs, and they were out of sorts, so they all tried to sleep on the full-sized bed with us. Needless to say, it lasted about one hour before they all got off the bed and slept on theirs. Of course, at 3:15am, Sprite (the 16 year old) rolled off his bed, woke up and had to go out, so I (Rob) carried him downstairs and outside (yes, it was 23F outside under a clear sky).
Saturday morning we were up before 6 am (actually we were up at 5 am but didn't want to move). So, we fed the kids, made a quick breakfast, Tom coated the floor with the adhesive (which needed an hour to take) so in the meantime we brought all the debris to the dump (after a Dunkin' Donuts stop, of course).
Tom laying the carpet squares
 Tom laid the carpet squares (because I'm not anal-retentive and exact in home projects and we wanted them to line up). Meanwhile, I did the vacuuming, dusting, etc. around the house. By about noon we were ready for lunch and the room was done! So we moved all of the furniture back in the room. What a nice change.

Tyler watching the install

Franklin trying out the newly carpeted bedroom

Dolly patiently waiting for the job to be complete