Saturday, December 15, 2012

Winter Safety Tips for Pets / Donate to a Rescue for Christmas

 Winter Safety Tips for Pets from Coast to Coast Dachshund Rescue

It's that time of year again! The seasons are changing and there's a chill in the air. Here are some safety tips to ensure your pet enjoys the season with you:

1. Proper hydration- Please make sure your pet has enough water by keeping an extra supply of water in case of power outages. If your pet spends a large amount of time outdoors make sure that all water sources are free of ice. Heated bowls are a good idea if you don't have time to keep the ice broken up. They are avail­able in plastic or stainless steel at most pet stores.

2. Proper warmth- Pets still need daily exercise even during the cold months. Keeping your pet warm during those outdoor treks is a must. Increasing their food intake can help them have enough calories to regulate their body tempera­ture while outdoors. Also for smaller breed pets or pets with thinner coats a good sweater or blanket coat will help provide extra warmth while enjoying their daily walk.

3. Paw safety- During the winter months extra care and attention should be shown to paws. During snowy or icy conditions, ice build up in paws can lead to sore, cracked paws. Also, icy conditions lead to the use of salt or chemical de-icers on sidewalks. Be sure to rinse paws after walking to avoid dry, cracked paws or possible poisoning due to ingestion of these de-icers when your pet licks its paws. A good idea are winter booties for pets that will tolerate them, available in most pet stores.


4. Possible dangers- There are some things to be on the look out for as we pre­pare ourselves for the cold that could actually be a danger to our pets. As we pre­pare our cars for winter possible toxic ingestion of chemicals are increased, espe­cially for those with extra curious pets! Be sure to cap all chemicals tightly, espe­cially antifreeze, as pets are attracted to the sweet smell and taste of the anti­freeze. Be sure to clean up any spills quickly and thoroughly. Also, bedding can be a possible danger as we provide extra bedding to keep our pets warm. For those pets that are chewers, blanket material that is ingested could be harmful. Also cedar bedding can be irritating to skin. Heating lamps should never be used as this could result in fire.


5. Be prepared- Just as we prepare ourselves for storms and possible power out­ages, we need to prepare for our pets as well. Keeping enough extra food and wa­ter on hand for 3 days is a good idea. Also an extra supply of any medications your pet uses on a daily basis should be kept on hand in the event of road clo­sures due to weather. Another good idea is to keep special toys close at hand in order to comfort those pets that are agitated by blinking lights on or beeping of appliances as power is returned.

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