Monday, November 26, 2012

Pics from Our Disney Trip!

with Micky and Minnie
I took Tom to Disney a week before his birthday to celebrate. We had a wonderful 2 day trip, and saw the Magic Kingdom and Disney Studios. Tom's favorite ride was the Tower of Terror,where I felt like I dropped a kidney on the second ride down!  Rob's favorite was the Star Tours motion /3D ride, and the Haunted Mansion. 
Rob and a Gargoyle
 - Fun with Friends: Because Rob used to live in Orlando, he's got a lot of great friends there, that Tom had never met, so we made sure it happened this time. We got to spend time with John N., Kathy M., Chris and John, and Karl and Fran. They all made the visit so wonderful!!  It's a great feeling when you haven't seen each other for years (although we're all in contact) and are just as close as ever.  It was truly a Magical two days in Disney.

Gaston's Tavern in the New Fantasyland

Rob's Fav place
Tom and interactive Tombstone

Rob with Library tombstone
Gargoyle at Belle's Mansion Dining Hall
Belle's Dining Hall

Under the Sea Ride in new Fantasyland

Under the Sea Ride- new fantasyland

Gargoyle, and Tom in his new grumpy shirt

Tom next to Cinderella's castle - tiled wall

Uh-oh! Tom's driving slow again

Lego Snow White and Dwarf

John, Tom and Rob

Rob, Tom, Karl and Fran!

Tom, Rob and Kathy!
Tom, John, Rob, Chris!

Main Street ready for Christmas
John and Tom goof it up!

Tom and Rob in a magical mood

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