Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Rob's Birthday: the Event in Massachusetts

Ed, Rob, Jim
During the week of Oct. 6th, I (Rob) flew to Massachusetts to visit family and partake in a double medium event with my friend Ruthie, who is an amazing medium. The event was amazing, and I'll post pictures of that later. 
 -  My younger brother Doug and sister-in-law Sue, and my nephews Brian and Scotty put together a surprise breakfast open house for me on the Sunday I was there. I was really surprised and several friends drove from over an hour away to be there for me. It was humbling, and I was so thankful to everyone. Here are some pictures from that event.  
Rob, Merri, Jerry

Jordan, Rob, Rob and Tracey

Ed, Rob and Jim being goofy

Yup- it's true: 50
BTW- Today, Oct. 17th is actually my birthday - yup, number 5-0... although I still feel like I'm in my 30s. In fact, working out, eating smaller portions (and not being ashamed to take home a doggy bag), lots of coffee, exercising several times a week and walking the dogs three times a day help keep me at the same weight I've been for decades. - I'm taking half a day off, too!

Rob, Merri and Jerry
COMING PHOTOS: The Maryland Open House that Tom organized for me!
Suzanne, Nick, Jerry, Merri, Dave, Ed, Jim, Laurie, Rob, Rob, Tracey, Jordan

Kevin, Xander, Suzanne, Nick, Jerry, Merri, Dave, Ed, Jim, Laurie, Rob, Rob, Tracey, Jordan

another group shot

Rob squeezed by Laurie and Dave!

Xander, Kevin, Nick, Rob, Suzanne

The Delaneys and Rob

Jordan, Rob, Tracey, Rob

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