Saturday, September 29, 2012

Meeting the Governor at a Marriage Equality Event

We attended a Maryland Marriage Equality fundraising event this past weekend.
Governor O'Malley Sings!
It was so great to see all of the support from so many elected officials - Governor O'Malley, Lt Governor Anthony Brown, and Attorney General Doug Gansler were all in attendance. Governor O'Malley stated during his remarks that the opposition to Prop 6 is overwhelming, they have much more money, and their misleading hate ads will begin airing in the DC Metro market beginning Oct 8.
The governor gave us a treat and picked up a guitar and played a song- and had everyone singing along. If it wasn't for Governor O'Malley the marriage equality law would not have passed in the state. Now, because of churches, it's on the ballot for Marylanders to decide in November (why can't they just leave the law alone and stop being so idiotic?). 
Anyway, the evening was nice, and we got to watch a moving 1 hour film about how aging gay people are struggling - and how some have been thrown out of aging care facilities. It was enough to make you mad and make you cry at the same time.
MD Atty General Doug Gansler
The Governor sings.

L to R: Atty Gen. Doug Gansler, Lt. Gvnr Anthony Brown, Gvr Martin O'Malley, Rep. Chris Van Holland, Marriage Equality Mgr

Doug Gansler - Who said MD must recognize out of state marriages

Lt. Governor Anthony Brown

Governor O'Malley


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