Monday, September 17, 2012

MAINE TRIP: Boston History: Day 3: Part 5: Granary Cemetery Ghost

Granary Burial Ground - est. in 1660
GRANARY BURYING GROUND - While doing our quick walk through Boston, we stopped at this old cemetery and found the resting places of several signers of the Declaration of Independence...and a GHOST.

Cemetery sign
According to Wikipedia, this cemetery was founded in 1660. The Granary Burying Ground in Massachusetts is the city of Boston's third-oldest cemetery. Located on Tremont Street, it is the final resting place for many notable Revolutionary War-era patriots, including Paul Revere and the five victims of the Boston Massacre. The cemetery has 2,345 graves, but historians estimate as many as 5,000 people are buried in it, including: John Hancock, Robert Treat Paine and Samuel Adams- the 3 signers of the Declaration of Independence!

LOTS OF ENERGY AND A GHOST - Both of us sensed a lot of energy when we walked into this cemetery. Now, cemeteries typically aren't haunted, because ghosts usually stay in places they were familiar with or lived in, when they were alive as people. However, ghosts can be "summoned" to their physical remains whenever there's enough energy to power them up.
Ebenezer Wells' tomb- where the ghost was sitting
  Because there were a lot of people in the cemetery that morning, there was a lot of emotional energy - and that was all it took.

THE GHOST OF EBENEZER WELLS - I (Rob) looked to the back right corner of the cemetery and there, sitting atop a raised tomb was a man in a dark suit, white shirt with ruffled sleeves sticking out of the jacket, and a dark colored hat. He also had a cane or walking stick and was just sitting there watching everyone. However, he was DEAD. Yes, it was a ghost and I saw him sitting there!  - Tom went over and read the name of the deceased and it was Ebenezer Wells. We didn't know who he was until we got home and investigated. What we found was very interesting!(although there is no existing photo of him that we could find)
Tom & Rob, grumpy in the cemetery
WHO WAS EBENEZER WELLS? - He was the man responsible for giving us the format for today's wills, or "Last will and testament." According to AmericanCenturies website at the University of Massachusetts, "Ebenezer Wells, born in Deerfield, Massachusetts, September 13, 1691, was sixty-five years old on May 3, 1757, when he wrote, or dictated, his last will and testament. Mr. Wells died on June 12, 1758, a little more than thirteen months after the document was written.Many New Englanders did write wills, but many did not. Those who died without a will were declared "intestate," and the courts apportioned their worldly goods and property [estate]. This insured that the man's debts were paid and that his wife and children received their just inheritances."

  What did format did he put in his will that we use today?   Mr. Wells first invokes the name of God and follows by naming himself a "gentleman" in New England. He states that he is of sound mind and memory but realizes he has reached an "advanced age" and does not know how soon he may be called from his earthly tabernacle.
After the above formalities, Mr. Wells then proceeds to "give and dispose of" his Estate.For more info about Mr. Wells:
John Hancock's grave marker

Robert Paine- Declaration Signer

Samuel Adams - Declaration signer

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