Saturday, September 8, 2012

Join us Tonight for a NEW Ghost Tour of Historic Federal Hill- Baltimore

 There's a  NEW GHOST WALK in Baltimore that I had a good part in developing with the Inspired Ghost Trackers. Basically, two of the team, Margaret and Ronda (our resident historian) were joined by Barry from the great Scarborough Fair B&B and me, to talk around and see what ghosts I encountered. Margaret and Ronda used scientific equipment and digital recorders to get confirmations, and Ronda verified deaths of people in places where I found ghosts. 
  Federal Hill, Baltimore has ghosts from the 1700s, 1800s, 1900s and 2000s- and I found some from each period, doing different jobs. It was quite an experience.  NOW- you can share in the experience and get tickets to hear the stories and experience the hauntings for yourself.
 I'll be on several of the tours, but Margaret and Ronda will be hosting most of them- and they've been investigating hauntings for a long time, and have great senses of humor, so it'll be fun and interesting. Hope you can join us. - More info about the tours follow in the story below from Main Street Federal Hill.
Happy Hauntings!   Rob 
How About a Spirited Ghost Tour of Historic Federal Hill?
With Halloween just around the corner, there are new “spooky” attractions popping up all over town.  This year, we recommend checking out the new Historic Federal Hill Ghost Tour, guaranteed to give you an unforgettable experience of this historic community. 
Barry Werner, co-owner of Scarborough Fair Bed & Breakfast (801 S. Charles St.), has teamed up with Inspired Ghost Tracking, a paranormal investigation group based in Jessup, MD, to provide the most diverse haunted tour in the area. “Science, technology, spirituality, and legend” are combined together to give participants a unique perspective as they walk through the streets of Federal Hill.
Rob Gutro, a medium, along with Inspired Ghost Tracking, conducted research throughout the neighborhood before the tour was developed. For example, they verified a spirit residing in The Book Escape (805 Light Street). So who knows? Maybe you’ll be the next to discover a spirit. Actually, encountering a spirit could be easier than you think! As Barry says, “This community is infused with as much history as it is with spirits of the dead.”
The tour lasts about an hour and is offered on Saturdays at 6 pm and 8:30 pm.  There is a 15-person limit per tour, so buy your tickets today!
For tickets, visit
For more information on Inspired Ghost Tracking, visit
   By Alex Marie Schmidt, Intern ,  Main Street Federal Hill

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