Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Some Thoughts and Thanks: Support from Christian Friends for Our Marriage

I posted this on Facebook this weekend, and thought it should be on the blog so others can see it and go back to it.
THOUGHTS: After all the restaurant politics, I wanted to say thanks to our friends who are Christians and love and support us in our legal marriage - You understand that we are the same people you are, in loving, lifetime commitments. The comments or postings I've made here were about the bigoted "Christians" who don't "love everyone" and respect them and not a reflection on our Christian friends who support us).
 **** For those that Don't stand by our marriage, I wonder why you don't harass people who have tattoos or eat shellfish that marry, why you let athiests and agnostics marry, why you don't have slaves, why you done stone divorcees or non-virgins to death, or force women to marry their rapists - all from the same place, BTW. For those that Don't stand behind us in our legal marriage, you view us as less than human, less than equal, and that is Not a friend. 
***We are all in this life together, and of many religions and non-religions. We all have to respect that one holy book doesn't reflect the beliefs of all people. 
***The thing I've learned about the Betrayal by our neighbors that voted to invalidate our marriage legally, is that man-made religions can blind us to what truly matters: The equal and loving treatment of each other. .
I normally don't rant and rave on here about anything but lately with all of this going on about politics and religion, I can't stay quiet anymore. First, love doesn't belong in politics and hate doesn't belong in religion. Who are we the people to stop anyone in love from getting married? Isn't that what marriage is about? To show your love for one another. Why allow anyone to stop this? Ta
ke the love out of politics as it doesn't belong and they shouldn't be able to tell us who we can or can not marry. Take the hate out of religion as God didn't intend for us to hate anyone. And, as far as Chick-Fil-A it is just another food joint to go to if you like their food. Don't go just to show you are for or against something. Don't line their pockets with your hate. Let's all get off our soap boxes and just love one another no mater if you are black, white, purple, straight, or gay. We all came from the same place and we all love God. God wouldn't want us to be fighting with hate. I love all my friends no matter what or who you are! Thank you for listening and I didn't do it for any kind of debate. These are my views and nobody can change the way I feel.

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