Saturday, August 18, 2012

ENGLAND TRIP: Day 8: Part 4: Sign from a Spirit

Coin that Tom found in the city of Bath
This entire episode is about how spirits (of departed loved ones who crossed over) can help us out when we're desperate. First, however, we received a sign from a spirit to let us know he was with us. He later rescued us in England. Here's the first part of the story, when the spirit made us aware that he was with us.

While we were in Bath, Tom found a 10 pence coin on the ground. I told him "Ed's here." Ed is Tom's late partner who passed in 1996, and whom has come through to me many times with messages. In 2011, Ed's spirit gave me many disconnected signs, pictures, words and symbols that took us on a treasure-hunt like trip with Ed's father in Virginia, that proved that Ed was with every one of his family members the week before we arrived. The messages to me wound up being personal confirmations of things that his family members were involved with the week before we arrived - things I had no knowledge of (I had never before met the family). It was so amazing that Ed was able to help show his grieving father (of 15 years) that he was still around. I wound up including that story in my second book, "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead."

Ed, whose spirit dropped the coin
Anyway, Ed is a strong spirit and I've come to know him even though I never met him n life (yes, it sounds strange).

So what does finding a coin mean? Often, when a loved one dies, they try and find a way to communicate with us. One of the easiest ways is to drop coins. Moving things from one place to another by supernatural means is called an "apport." When Tom's grandmother passed in 2006, he found a coin almost every day for a year. When my dad passed in August 2008, I found coins almost daily for a month. Of course, one day I found a $20.00 bill, and then Tom said that "my grandma really needs to step it up!" :)

I asked Tom if Ed ever went to England, and he said "no." Ed worked in landscaping and could never afford to travel overseas (when he was alive). I told Tom, "well, he's here with us now." When we left Bath in the car to drive to Windsor, England, we would find out just how close Ed was to us.

NEXT: How Ed Helped Us Out of a Mess

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