Monday, August 27, 2012

EDUCATE YOURSELF: 12 Reasons Why We Need "Obama-Care"

We find it hard to believe that 50% of the American Public STILL doesn't understand the benefits of the Affordable Care Act (aka: Obamacare), so in order to make it easy, we've researched and VERIFIED 12 reasons why "Obamacare" should remain in place.  
 - For those who are VISUAL- here are some slides courtesy of, that highlight the benefits.

**Repealing it would ONLY benefit Insurance Companies and Drug Companies AND raise the DEFICIT! *REALLY*

According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the Affordable Care Act 
1)  Extends the solvency of Medicare 8 years by cutting waste and abuse on the provider side.  It does NOT eliminate or lessen Medicare coverage, in fact, it does the opposite.

2) It closes the "donut hole" for seniors which reduces their out-of-pocket expense for prescription drugs

3)  it extends coverage to children of insured parents (to 26 years old) because kids are taking longer to finish their college education and are having difficulty finding employment once they get out of school 

4) It eliminates the lifetime cap excuse that ruthless insurance companies were using as a reason to drop coverage for very ill individuals

5) it eliminates exclusion for pre-existing conditions
Insurance companies can no longer limit or deny benefits to children under age 19 due to a pre-existing health condition
6) Offers Insurance Pools for coverage: If you need insurance coverage or have been rejected due to a health condition or disability, you may be eligible for coverage through one of several programs.

7) Tax Credits for Employers: Tax credits and new programs are available to small businesses to help make care more affordable for employers, employees, and early retirees.

8) Already Have Insurance? The ACA provides NEW consumer protections can help you get the most out of your plan.
EX) You NOW have the right to ask your plan to reconsider a denial of payment for services.
EX) You may be eligible to receive recommended preventive health services at no cost.

9) Choose YOUR OWN Doctor
You have the right to choose the doctor you want from your existing Health Care plan’s network or seek emergency care at a hospital outside of your health plan’s network.

10) A right to Grandfathered Plans
You have the right to keep your “grandfathered” health plan if you were covered before the health care law was enacted. Grandfathered plans do not have to provide some of the rights and protections under the Affordable Care Act.

11) Insurance Companies Can't Cancel IF You Made a Mistake on Policy

Insurance companies can no longer cancel your coverage just because you made an honest mistake on your application.Before the health care law, if your insurance company found that you’d made a mistake on your insurance  application, the insurance company might “rescind” your benefits — that is, declare your policy invalid from the day it began. Your insurance company might also ask you to pay back any money already spent for your medical care.
Now, an insurer cannot rescind your coverage simply because you made an honest mistake or left out information that has little bearing on your health.

12) Your Coverage Made Easier-to-Understand!!!Starting September 23, 2012 or soon after, health insurance issuers and group health plans will be required to provide you with an easy-to-understand summary about a health plan’s benefits and coverage. The new regulation is designed to help you better understand and evaluate your health insurance choices. 

The new forms include:  A short, plain language Summary of Benefits and Coverage, or SBC
and A uniform glossary of terms commonly used in health insurance coverage, such as "deductible" and "copayment"

and much, much more. 


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