Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Truly Happy 4th of July! /Projects/Dogs

It's a very Happy 4th of July because we have power and air conditioning and we've "won our independence" from the outside oppressive heat and humidity! :)  Hope you all have a very happy 4th of July!
- We had a nice breakfast with our friend Les this morning, and it was a great way to start the holiday.

Tom's completed rain barrel!
Tom installing overflow pipe in the rain barrel
- PROJECTS:  We followed it up with a lot of housecleaning and Tom worked on a project outside. He fitted a downspout to the rain barrel that I got him for our anniversary. He's also been fixing the kitchen sink! There's nothing Tom can't fix. 

 - DOGS: The dogs enjoyed a short walk with me this morning. I will say that it was a little challenging walking all FOUR dogs at the same time. Dolly and Franklin want to race, Chance limps, but is walking much better, and Sprite crawls and "puts on the brakes" every 5 minutes... so he needs encouragement (read: Dragging). 

Dolly! Credit: Red Leash Photography

L to R: Chance, Dolly, Franklin in the July 4tth Sun. Sprite was inside!

- LOCAL EVENT:  We ventured over to the local celebration at a Pond/park, and had volunteered to man a tent for marriage equality, but no one showed up, and after 30 minutes of being there, we left and returned home, where its MUCH COOLER. At 4pm, the outside temperature was 95F and the heat index was 99F. We are DONE with the summer, thank you!

WEEKEND VISITOR:  Our friend Mary Ann had the mis-fortune of visiting us this past weekend, when the Derecho knocked out our power and raised inside temperatures to 85 Fahrenheit in the house. It was miserable, but we did spend quality time together, and she was a trooper. Once the streets were cleared, we ventured out on Sunday for a brunch at Ram's Head Tavern in Annapolis.
PICTURED LEFT: Mary Ann is usually allergic to dogs, but not our short-haired dachshunds and weimaraners! So, she posed for a photo with Sprite, Chance, Franklin and Dolly (in that order).

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