Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Great Progress for Chance the Foster Dog

A proud moment- Chance conquers Hill number 1!
Our foster dog, Chance the Weimaraner is making remarkable progress since his hip surgery, where the doctor cut off the ball at the end of the leg, so that the leg would slide back in place. Since then, Chance has shown remarkable progress and we've been helping him use his leg.  
One of 2 large hills Chance conquered!
-  During a lunchtime walk, Chance (and the other dogs) went on a good 25 minute walk with me, and we went up TWO hills. The doctor told us to get Chance to walk up hills. Chance did a great job and used his weak leg (its weak because half the muscle withered when it was bent behind his butt) the entire way!  Here are a couple of pictures and a short video to show the progress.
   - Chance also can come down the stairs (13 steps) as long as I hold his backside straight (his back tends to lean to one side, away from his strong leg). This past weekend, with some butt support, he was actually able to CLIMB the 13 stairs (treats helped)!  Amazing!