Wednesday, June 20, 2012

ENGLAND TRIP: Day 4, Part 8: Hampton Court Palace- Entryway Ghost

    As we  were leaving Hampton Court Palace, we thought that the monumental scale of the palace was overwhelming. After seeing the Tudor style on one side of the palace and the Baroque style on the other side (where William and Mary lived), we preferred the Tudor style.

HENRY'S KITCHEN /CARPENTER'S COURT (and video) - There are separate buildings for the Kitchen, and others for carpenters, blacksmiths, etc. They were all down an alleyway on the side of the castle (where we posed for the photo below). Tom and I both felt uneasy in the kitchen, and there were some ghosts still lingering in there, too- still cooking, still trying to please the king. Oddly, you could still smell the beef stew! Really! 

GHOST AT THE ENTRYWAY - We took the walkway out and before we got outside the final gate, I (Rob) felt another ghost walk right through me. I physically got chilled.
  - According to the "Palace Phantoms" brochure, the formal gardens on the east front is the location where a ghostly procession was seen by a constable in the early 1900s. The police officer reported  two men in evening dress leading a group of eight or nine women down a gravel path. He thought they were coming into the palace (as we were going out). They formed a procession, walking two by two and then disappeared!
Pot for stew in Henry's Kitchen

Tom and Rob in Carpenter's Court at Hampton Court Palace
Entrance Where the ghostly procession walked

the location where one of the ghosts walked through Rob!
 - I believe it was that procession of ghosts that bumped into me as we were departing the palace.

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