Friday, June 15, 2012

ENGLAND TRIP: Day 4:, Part 4 : Hampton Court Palace: Base Court Lady in Gray/Fountain Court Ghost

BASE COURT - At the Base Court in Hampton Court Palace, I (Rob) got a headache that indicated a ghost was present. I was drawn to the southwest corner of the court and took pictures there. The palace had reported accounts of a lady in gray appearing there. 
Corner where the Lady in Gray is Seen
LADY IN GRAY - During the 1830s when the Ponsonbys family lived in that part of the castle and complained that they kept hearing sounds of spinning wheel and a woman's voice. After investigators broke into a sealed chamber, they found a well-used spinning wheel!  There has also been reports of a woman dressed in a long gray robe and hood that leaves that area. Even Princess Frederica of Hanover who lived in the rooms in that part of the castle reported seeing the ghostly woman. 

Tudor Dynasty curtain

Tunnel near Fountain Court

Tom and Rob in tunnels near Fountain Court
 WHO IS SHE?  Mrs. Sybil Penn, King Edward the VI's nurse died of smallpox in Hampton Court in 1568. She was buried in St. Mary's Church, Hampton and in 1829, her grave was robbed and bones scattered. She is likely trying to get final rest for them.
Fountain Court

PAIN IN FOUNTAIN COURT - As we were walking around fountain court in the center of the palace, I (Rob) got another sign that someone from the past was still there.   Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my left shoulder and realized that someone was killed here by a sword or something slammed into my shoulder! Apparently it was someone who died when a wall collapsed and they were conveying that pain to me.
REPORTS IN FOUNTAIN COURT - Hampton Court's "Palace Phantoms" brochure says that Lady Hildyard complained about 2 ghosts, one who knocked on her door (her apartment was in the Fountain Court area). When workmen were putting in two drains, they unearthed 2 skeletons of men under the pavement!  They were found to be skeletons of two workmen that were killed in 1689 when the new apartments collapsed. - So, they were sharing how it felt to have a wall collapse on my shoulder. 

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