Wednesday, June 6, 2012

ENGLAND TRIP: Day 2: Part 5e: Shakespeare/Hanging Judget/Pewter's Hall

Shakespeare's Bust
The next stop on our history and ghost walk took us to the remains of a church, a graveyard and Pewter's Hall.

 Shakespeare's Bust at Saint Mary’s Churchyard, London, marks the burial place of the two men who made Shakespeare famous, John Heminge and Henrie Condell because they collected his manuscripts over 35 years and published them. They were actors and friends of Shakespeare. The monument was erected in 1896, and sculpted by C. J. Allen.
Richard pointing where ghost is seen

The Inner Temple Courtyard- no orb

The Inner Temple Courtyard- Orb!

GHOSTLY JUDGE IN THE COURTYARD - Next to Shakespeare's bust was the former location of the St. Mary Aldermanbury church. It was originally built in 1181, but destroyed in the great fire of 1666. It was rebuilt but World War 2 came along and the blitzkrieg destroyed it, leaving only walls standing.
  Nearby is "the Inner Temple" - one of London's "four Inns of Court." It was here that barristers and lawyers had offices in the 18th and 19th centuries. There's a courtyard, and that was our next stop.

   It was there that I (Rob) sensed a man's ghost  in the back of the cemetery and Richard Jones, our tour guide, explained that it is haunted by the notorious Hanging Judge Henry Hawkins (1817-1907).. The Judge has been seen walking around many times holding papers. As soon I sensed a ghost I started taking pictures, and one of them had an orb in it - it was the Judge. An orb is the most simple form a ghost can assume. You know it's an orb because of colors and designs in it - and where nothing showed up in pictures taken immediately before. The orb was only able to "power up" because we were present and supplied it with emotional energy. 
PEWTERER'S HALL (and ghosts Outside!)- This is another historic building, but has ties to the current royal family. including Prince Charles. It has Royal Charters going back to before Elizabeth I. Its located at The Worshipful Company of Pewterers, Pewterers' Hall, Oat Lane, London. We can't remember what ghosts haunt this building. But as we were walking toward it, I (Rob) got my headache that indicated there was a ghost around. In fact, there were many of them. We were standing on grass behind this building, and I asked Richard Jones, our tour guide, if we were standing on an old cemetery (no longer a cemetery, now a grassy field). I felt that our presence there ignited a number of ghosts. Richard then told me that "there are a lot of unmarked graves under our feet." Confirmation. - As for the ghosts that haunt the Pewterers Hall itself, we don't remember what Richard told us, and given the number of them that were outside, we had enough ghosts in that place to keep us busy!

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