Monday, May 21, 2012

ENGLAND TRIP DAY 1, PART 2: Ghosts: Jewel Tower Woman

England is very haunted, anyone will attest to that, even people that haven't seen ghosts. It's well-known and there are ghost walks and many books about the multiple hauntings. When you have the ability to sense them, you're twice as busy on vacation- looking at historic sites and paying attention to those that are now ghosts. Rob had a busy vacation!
THE JEWEL TOWER:  Walking from our hotel and across the street from Parliament, this was our first historic stop. The tower wasn't open, but it didn't have to be. The Jewel Tower is all that remains of Westminster Castle. We hadn't even seen any historic information or pictures of what people were wearing - we were simply walking by on our way to Westminster Abbey. That's when Rob caught a glimpse of a ghostly woman walking through the courtyard.
BACKGROUND INFO FROM Wikipedia; The Jewel Tower in London is one of only two surviving sections of the medieval royal Palace of Westminster, the other being Westminster Hall. It was built in 1365-1366 to house the private treasures of Edward III and its alternative name was the "King's Privy Wardrobe." In the early 17th-century it became a records office for the House of Lords. From 1869 until 1936 it was the home of the Board's Standards Department.
THE GHOST OF JEWEL TOWER: As we walked by I (Rob) saw a ghost of a woman come through the wall to the right side of the photo. There was apparently a doorway there at the time the woman was alive. The ghostly woman had brown hair and was wearing a long beige-like gown, with a white collar. HERE'S THE AMAZING PART: Once we got home,  I found the SAME type of dress from the U.K. Bath Costume museum on-line! Bath is a city that we visited later (outside of London). It was  We tried taking photos late at night, but no orbs seemed to materialize. Whomever this woman was, she lived in the Westminster Castle sometime in the 1660s and continues to walk around in the area where the castle once stood, even though most of it is gone!

Courtyard of Jewel Tower where Rob saw the ghost.

1660s dress in England. Credit: Bath and Somerset Council/Museum of Costume, Bath, U.K.
Jewel Tower courtyard at night
No action in Jewel Tower Courtyard
LATER IN THE WEEK - We walked past Jewel Tower at night later in the week and I snapped a couple of pictures, but didn't sense the ghost. When we got home I analyzed them and didn't find any orbs or shadows in them, just a dark courtyard.
(Photos Right)

The female ghost apparently stayed in for the night

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