Sunday, April 22, 2012

FROM IRELAND: Irish Catholics Reject Church’s Teachings on Sex

Irish Catholics get it. They're educated. Maybe the U.S. and other countries will catch up. The church and politicians need to stay out of everyone's bedrooms.  -Rob
Irish Catholics Reject Church’s Teachings on Sex
One third of Irish Catholics may attend mass every week, one of the highest numbers in Europe, but they strongly disagree with the Church’s teachings on sex.
Commissioned by the Association of Catholic Priests, the Contemporary Catholic Perspectives survey was carried out among 1,000 Catholics throughout the island of Ireland over a two-week period in February.
It found 
- 75% thought that what the Church had to say on sexuality had “no relevance.”
- 87% said that they believed that priests should be allowed to marry, 
- 77% believed there should be women priests and  
- 72% believed that older married men should be allowed to become priests.
- 61% disagreed with the Church’s teaching on homosexuality. Less than a fifth thought that homosexuality is immoral.
- Divorced and/or separated people in a second stable relationship should be allowed to take Communion, according to 87%, with just 5% saying they should not.
According to the United Nation’s 2010 Human Development Index, Ireland has the world’s largest percentage of married women under 49 using contraception.
A survey carried out in 2008 showed that 84% of Irish people supported civil marriage or civil partnerships for gay and lesbian couples, with 58% supporting full marriage rights in registry offices.

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