Thursday, February 16, 2012

Santorum: What Does he stand for? - More Madness

Learn More about the Right-wing candidate: Rick Santorum
Last month I posted a blog exposing the story where presidential candidate Rick Santorum and his wife took their dead baby from the hospital (it lived a couple of hours) and brought it home to show their other children.
- Hospitals don't release corpses to people anymore, thankfully. In fact, you can't even take a pulled tooth home. Regardless, showing the corpse of a dead infant to children, mentally and emotionally  scars them for life.(Source: TIME MAGAZINE)

BTW- If you don't believe what I write- take it from fellow Republican Ron Paul on his blog:

1) ANTI-SCIENCE/ ANTI-CLIMATE CHANGE: Santorum rejects the mainstream scientific opinion on climate change, having referred to it as "junk science"; he also embraces common threads of the global warming conspiracy theory, believing that global warming is a "beautifully concocted scheme" by the political left and "an excuse for more government control of your life." (Source:

2) DRILL EVERYWHERE "OIL FOR CENTURIES" : He has stated a policy of "drill everywhere" for oil and that there is "enough oil, coal and natural gas to last for centuries". (Source:
(BTW- International Energy Agency chief economist, Fatih Birol, claimed that the world's crude oil production peaked back in 2006) 

2) WANTS TO REMOVE GAY MARRIAGE FROM STATES THAT HAVE IT:  If he's elected president, he will sponsor a constitutional amendment which will ban gay couples from getting married anywhere in the country.  How in the world can such hate be written into a person's platform that is running for president?

3) PRO-LIFE/ANTI-ABORTION/ ANTI-CONTRACEPTIVE: He also wants to ban birth control for all women!  Is this what women want??

QUOTE OF THE DAYSantorum super PAC backer Foster Freiss downplaying Rick Santorum's remarks about birth control:"You know, back in my days, they'd use Bayer aspirin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn't that costly."

4) PRIVATIZATION OF SOCIAL SECURITY: He supported partial privatization of Social Security, and following President Bush's re-election, he held forums across Pennsylvania on the topic.(SOURCE: *NOTE: It would have been broke because of the recession if that had happened*

5)  ANTI-SCIENCE: Wanted to Eliminate the National Weather Service - In April 2005, Santorum  introduced a bill that would prohibit federal meteorologists from competing with companies such as AccuWeather and The Weather Channel, which offer their own forecasts through paid services and free ad-supported Web sites. Santorum argues that the NWS shouldn't "duplicate" the daily weather reports sold in the private sector. Nevermind that these forecasts are based largely on information gathered at taxpayer's expense.  (NOTE: I worked for the Weather Channel and other private forecast companies- all of them use the model runs done by the National Weather Service.) (SOURCE:
6) ANTI-SCIENCE: Denies Evolution/Wants "Intelligent Design" Taught in Schools  In 2001, Santorum sought to amend the No Child Left Behind bill to include a provision affecting the teaching of evolution. According to Santorum, his goal was that students studying evolution should hear "competing scientific interpretations of evidence," including "such alternative theories as intelligent design." (SOURCE:

7) HIS BOOK:  In his 2005 book, It Takes a Family, he advocates for a more family values oriented society centered on monogamous, heterosexual relationships, marriage, and child-raising. He is strongly pro-life and opposes same-sex marriage saying the American public and their elected officials should decide on these "incredibly important moral issues", rather than the Supreme Court, which consists of "nine unelected, unaccountable judges.”

7) WARPED: Equates Pedophiles with Gay People: An interview Santorum gave to the Associated Press erupted in controversy when it outlined his views on homosexuality. The interview, dated April 20, 2003, had asked him his views on the sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests. Santorum said the priests were engaged in "a basic homosexual relationship." 

8) FOREIGN POLICY: Santorum is a supporter of the War on Terror and shares the views of neoconservatives and the Bush Doctrine in regards to foreign policy. He says the war on Terror can be won and is optimistic about the U.S. occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan for the long-term.

9) IRAN NUCLEAR CAPABILITY: In 2012, Santorum criticized Obama for not doing enough to block Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Santorum said that, if elected, he would call upon Iran to open its facilities to international inspection and begin to dismantle them, and that if Iranian leaders did not comply, he would bomb the weapons sites.

Ron Paul wrote: Santorum is directly connected with a pedophilia ring headed by ex-football coach Jerry Sandusky. The founder of a Pennsylvania-based charity purporting to aid troubled juveniles, Second Mile, Sandusky used the facility for far different reasons than purported. The orphaned, troubled, and vulnerable children/teens he took in were, in fact, raped. Sandusky himself had sex with at least 8 of them. It gets even worse. As reported originally by Wayne Madsen Sandusky and his vile ones farmed numerous of these children out to be used as sex objects. This was by the mighty and rich, including U.S. Congressmen and Senators. Like Sandusky, Santorum housed these juveniles as pages, making them ultimately available to both the wealthy and Washington, D.C.-based politicians.Yet, what was Santorum's position on Sandusky? He regarded him so highly that he personally gave him an award, the Congressional Angels in Adoption Award.  FULL STORY:

10) EQUATES GAY PEOPLE WITH HAVING SEX WITH ANIMALS: - From the Associated Press and GOP candidate Ron Paul's Blog!! (
“SANTORUM: In every society the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality. That’s not to pick on homosexuality. It’s (that is homosexuality) not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing (only).” A righteous mind doesn’t even go there. Nor does any normal mind, as seen by how the reporter responds:
“AP REPORTER: I’m sorry, I didn’t think I was going to talk about “man on dog” with a United States senator, it’s sort of freaking me out.”
What did he mean? Did he mean that acts other than homosexuality are acceptable, like a man having sex with a female dog or a female with a male dog? He surely implied that while homosexuality is one way only it is different than a man having sex with a child. Regardless, these are not appropriate statements to make in public, especially from a high-ranking public official.

11) NOT VERY CHARITABLE IN COMPARISON:  Romney and Obama vie for title of most charitable; Santorum gave least to charity

SOURCE: Washington Post:

This is NOT a guy that represents America. I sure as hell hope he's not. If he is, there are a lot of sick, twisted people. 

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