Here's an article from the Washington Post on 1/18/12. It seems the majority of Americans understand how the deficit began. - Rob
The economy? It’s still Bush’s fault
WASHINGTON POST - A majority of Americans believe that former President George W. Bush is more responsible than President Obama for the current economic problems in the country, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
Fifty-four percent of respondents said that Bush was more to blame
while 29 percent put the blame on Obama; 9 percent said both men
deserved blame while 6 percent said neither did. Among registered
voters, the numbers are almost identical; 54 percent blame Bush, while
30 percent blame Obama.
Independents, widely considered the most critical voting bloc
this fall, continue to blame Bush far more than Obama for the economic
troubles. Fifty-seven percent of unaffiliated voters put the blame on
the former Republican president, while 25 percent believe the blame
rests more with Obama.
Heck, even one in five Republicans say Bush is more responsible than Obama for the state of the economy!
economic blame game numbers are somewhat remarkable given that Obama is
in the third year of his presidency, a tenure defined by the continued
economic distress in the country.
We’ve written for quite some
time that the longer Obama is in office (and the longer Bush is out of
it), the more likely it is that blame for the economy would shift toward him. But, these numbers suggest — gasp! — we were wrong.
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