Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Marriage Encounter in VA/Explained in Simple Terms

This week, Tom and I (Rob) drove down to Lynchburg, VA to visit our friends Tom G, Robert and Ed. We also learned that Brian, a former fellow student of Tom's was now living in that town, too, so we met him for coffee. Brian's a nice guy and went to the same dysfunctional baptist high school that Tom attended. He's also a Christian who has gay friends. Tom and Brian addressed the topic of gay marriage and Brian said that as compassionate as he is with people, he does not agree that gay people can marry, even for legal protections, hospital visitations, tax purposes, etc. It was an interesting discussion. I feel SAD about it.
 - I know that some of our friends also may feel the same way because of their religion. But  marriage is NOT about a religion.
WHAT MARRIAGE MEANS: It's about a legal, binding promise between consenting adults to love someone for the rest of their lives. It's about how our local, state and federal governments, hospitals, employers and others view and treat us. People who have had NO religion have been getting married since the dawn of time.
RELIGIONS DO NOT HAVE TO BE A PART OF MARRIAGE: Yes, marriages CAN happen in churches,but they ALSO happen in City Halls. There's no mention of anyone's god in city hall. 
EXAMPLES OF STRAIGHT COUPLES WHO ABUSE MARRIAGE: - There are a lot of celebrities and politicians who marry and divorce and make a sham out of marriage. Gay couples who marry WANT to marry for life.  Here are some people to consider: 1) NEWT GINGRICH- Now on Wife#3. Divorced Wife #1 on her deathbed. 2) KIM KARDASHIAN - Married 72 Days. I SAID "DAYS." 3) KATIE PERRY - Married 14 Months, filed for divorce today.

-QUESTION FOR THE EVANGELICAL CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS- So, if you want to toss your Bible around, are we supposed to Stone all of these people to death now?

**NOTE -WE been married 2 1/2 years (in CT, but still not legal here) surpassing these people!**

A SIMPLE EXPLANATION OF THE BASICS OF MARRIAGE: This was taken from a website that explains why denial of gay marriage is NOT legal.  The following may be helpful in shedding light on the LEGAL aspects of marriage equality.


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