Tuesday, December 20, 2011

FCC: Loud TV commercials to End!!

Mikey and LIFE cereal won't be so loud anymore!
Here's a long-overdue thing, finally happening!! 
USA TODAY:   Those ultra-loud TV commercials will soon be a thing of the past.
The Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday passed regulations requiring broadcasters and cable and satellite TV systems to maintain constant volume levels. The order, which goes into effect one year from now, "says commercials must have the same average volume as the programs they accompany," says FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski.
Last year, President Obama signed into law a measure that Congress passed giving the FCC authority to address the problem. A Harris poll taken around that time found that 86% of people surveyed said TV commercials were louder than the shows themselves — and, in many cases, much louder. "It is a problem that thousands of viewers have complained about, and we are doing something about it," Genachowski says.

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