Wednesday, November 16, 2011

RESEARCH: Slow eating reduces food intake

We all could use to lose a little weight, and especially when you're over 30, the pounds seem to keep adding on. I (Rob) found this piece of research and it makes sense on a couple of levels. The key to slower eating is taking breaks- talk, read a book, etc. 2) It prevents you from putting MORE food in your mouth.  3) Drinking water makes you feel full, so drink up. 
Learn from this article- it's worth reading! - and lose those pounds! Rob

Researcher provides further evidence that slow eating reduces food intake
Kingston RI (SPX) Nov 15, 2011 - Two new studies by researchers at the University of Rhode Island are providing additional insights into the role that eating rate plays in the amount of food one consumes. The studies found that men eat significantly faster than women, heavier people eat faster than slimmer people, and refined grains are consumed faster than whole grains, among other findings.
USDA Food pyramid

"It takes time for your body to process fullness signals," she concluded, "so slower eating may allow time for fullness to register in the brain before you've eaten too much."  FULL STORY:

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