Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Campaigning in 2 States! - Rob's brother Wins!

This weekend Tom and I (Rob) helped campaigns in 2 states: Maryland and Massachusetts. We love our local City Council,or (who has been incredible) Diane Polangin, so we distributed flyers for her in MD this past Saturday.

**On Sunday we flew to Boston and spent about 3 days helping my brother Doug with his campaign for City Councilor at Large. He's been a city councilor for 8 years, and this is a step up~!  So, we helped distribute about 1000 flyers, made calls to sign holders, dropped off signs at the polls from 5:30am to 7am on Nov. 8th, picked up coffee and donuts, then drove around to half of the polling places around the city and offered them to sign holders for all candidates' sign holders. We also ran errands and managed to squeeze in dinner (thanks to  my sister-in-law for making it for all of us) and see my nephews.
  There were 3 seat and 4 candidates for a Councilor at Large position in my brother's race. My brother Doug came in SECOND, cementing him a seat as as Councilor at Large!
The vote breakdown:  Joe Finn: 11,007 votes; Doug Gutro: 10823;

Michael McFarland 10,143; John Rodophele Sr.5.250 votes.

   Here are pictures from BOTH CAMPAIGNS!

Dolly and Franklin watching Tom distribute flyers

Tom and Franklin Flyer Fiends!

Tom getting his exercise distributing literature


Day 1 flyer drop- Doug's sign on a lawn!

Tom Dropping flyers at homes near Wollaston Beach

Sign said "Beware of Dog" - who could apparently chew through fences!

Tom and Rob posing with Doug's Campaign flyer

Vote for Doug!

Shopping for the signholder refreshments

Cold but sunny morning #2 of flyer distribution

Election day sign drop off at 6am

Rob distributing signs

Tom dropping off signs at a polling place

Doug the candidate and Tom

Doug the candidate and Rob

Jim the signholder at the Thomas Crane Library polling place

Coffee van to feed all signholders

Tom managing the coffee van

People loved the free coffee and Donuts Doug's campaign provided

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