Saturday, October 29, 2011

Suit over Defense of Marriage Act/ Children in Gay households denied federal benefits

It's about time that Stupid "Defense of Marriage Act" was challenged and WIPED OUT. We're legally married in CT, but it's not recognized in our state. There is so much stupidity, inequality and prejudice while that law remains in effect. Spouses of gay people should be legally recognized.

1) Gay troops to file suit challenging Defense of Marriage Act

Gay and lesbian service members and veterans plan to file suit Thursday challenging the constitutionality of the federal ban on gay marriage and federal policy that define a spouse as a person of the opposite sex.

The suit comes five weeks after the Pentagon ended its ban on gays in the military. Lawyers plan to sue in federal district court in Boston, the same court that ruled last year that the federal Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional because it interferes with a state’s right to define marriage. That decision is being appealed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit. The 1996 law bars federal recognition of same-sex marriages performed in states that allow them.

Report: Children in LGBT households denied federal benefits
Millions of children being raised by gay and lesbian parents in the U.S. lack federal benefits and protections afforded other families, according to a new report from a coalition of LGBT and child welfare groups. The report recommends that LGBT families be treated equally in health insurance and medical decision-making, and that social safety net programs be more inclusive. Google/The Associated Press FULL STORY:

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